Optical Coherence Elastography (OCE) Medical Imaging Device

Case ID: 007-000x-Zara

­This invention uses OCT for elastography to achieve unprecedented analysis of small structures. Elastography is a medical imaging technique that measures a tissue’s hardness. Tissues of interest, such as cancers, atherosclerotic plaques, or scars are distinguishable from normal tissue by their hardness. Elastography involves imaging tissue before and after applying a mechanical force. Changes in the image provide input on the hardness or elastacity of underlying tissues. While devices have been established that use ultrasound imaging for elastography, ultrasound is limited by a resolution of around 200nm. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a similar imaging modality that can achieve much finer resolutions, even below 10nm. By utilizing acoustic forces to deliver the mechanical stress to the imaged tissue, this invention can be incorporated in a catheter or endoscope for minimally invasive imaging.

Figure: This invention uses OCT for elastography to achieve unprecedented analysis of small structures.


  • Medical imaging
  • Measurement of mechanical properties of tissues
  • Detect cancers of bladder, colon, skin, and others
  • Examine atherosclerotic plaques


  • Resolution at least 10x greater than ultrasound elastography
  • Can be combined with standard OCT imaging
  • Real-time image capture and analysis

Patent Information:

Title App Type Country Patent No. File Date Issued Date Patent Status
Optical Coherence Tomography / Acoustic Radiation Force Imaging Probe US Utility United States 7,999,945 7/18/2008 8/16/2011 Issued

For Information, Contact:

Brian Coblitz
Sr. Licensing Manager
George Washington University


Jason Zara